British Museum Tours

Top Museums to Visit in Central London

British Museum Tours
London Tourist Attractions

Museums serve as a place where people can learn much about history and culture. They preserve much of the information and things from the past, which would otherwise be not passed on to the next generation. In this way, museums have an important role to play in every culture and society. London is a city, which has numerous museums, which are all majestic and marvelous in their ways. Each of these museums has a key role to play in building the blocks of cultural heritage. The museums are of different kinds including art museums, historical museums, textile museums, etc.

In Central London, you can find different museums where you may visit when on your tours in London. Here are some suggestions for top museums to visit in Central London.

The Sherlock Holmes Museum

This is a unique museum you will find in Central London. It is situated in 221b Baker Street, which was the house of famous writer Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Sherlock Holmes, the fictional detective that he created lived here, in the stories. If you are a lover of detective stories and have read the stories and novels of Doyle, this will be an exciting trip for you. The interior of the house is preserved in the same way as a Victorian home, and it will leave a lasting impression on the visitor. It will be a wonderful experience to see the abode of the much-loved fictional character Mr. Holmes.

The Bank of England Museum

You can make a free visit to the Bank of England Museum and learn about how the bank affects the economy of the nation. There will be interactive exhibitions on run here in which you will be able to hold an original gold bar in your hands. This will be an interesting trip if you love studying the economy of the country.

It was in 1988 that the present Bank museum was opened to the public. There is a section called Bank Today, where visitors can understand the current activities of the bank, which uses modern technologies. There is also a presentation of the history of the bank in chronological order.

The British Museum

British Museum tours are something you should not avoid during the time you spend in Central London. The structure of the building is an excellent example of neoclassical Victorian architecture. It is situated in the Bloomsbury area of London and holds the record of being the first public national museum in the world. The collection of the British Museum is magnificent and from around the world. Going on a British Museum guided tour will be in your best interest if you like to learn about the history of the nation. Most of the exhibits were collected during the era of the British Empire.

The Clink Prison Museum

This is a museum built on the site where a prison famous for its cruel punishments once stood. There is a custodial history of about 600 years, you can trace back in this museum. You can see and touch some of the devices that were used for torturing the prisoners. There is also a big collection of archeological artifacts here.

London Transport Museum

In the London Transport Museum, you can discover the various forms of transportation that Londoners used for more than 200 years. You can understand the evolution and developments that happened in the transport system over the years. To know about the development from horses to horsepower is exciting, and you will be marveled by the achievements that man has made in the transport system. In the Flower Market building, you will have the privilege of getting on to some strange transport mechanisms of the past.

Charles Dickens Museum

Dickens is one of the most celebrated authors of the Victorian era. He is known around the world for his famous books like Oliver Twist, David Copperfield, etc. In this museum, you will be able to see some of the personal belongings and manuscripts of the author. The Museum is located on the Doughty Street of Bloomsbury. Dickens lived here when he wrote David Copperfield, which became the book that changed the perception of many people on orphaned children.

Fashion and Textile Museum

You can find this museum in Bermondsey Village. It is the perfect place to learn and explore about jewelry, fabric designs, and clothing. A designer named Zandra Rhodes founded it. The displays of the museum are presented only in temporary exhibitions since there is no permanent display here. This allows you to come and visit the museum several times a year because the displays are likely to be different each time.

Florence Nightingale Museum

This museum sheds limelight on the life of Florence Nightingale. There is a big collection of the personal possessions of Nightingale displayed here. It includes some rare books she had and also around 800 letters that she wrote.

If you like to explore more museums in London, you can find them in East London.

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